– Today, our company is proud to announce that it will introduce the new hair transplant for the first time in the name of the “SuperFUE”.
– SuperFue is a FUE Hair Transplant process developed by Advanced Hair Restoration over the course of transplanting 2 million FUE grafts. This process involves techniques and protocols of handling grafts, graft hydration requirements, placing strategy, and implementation of the latest FUE technology. Using this technique we have maximized graft survivability (matching that of FUT Linear grafts), reduced the duration of procedures (improving patient comfort and reducing time grafts are out of the body), and have increased the number of viable FUE grafts that can be harvested while still staying in the safe zone. Our industry-leading experience and these techniques allow us to surpass industry expectations and hypotheses of older studies.
Instant Graft Hydration
Highest Expected Graft Survival Rate
Unique Graft Cooling Technology – Improved Graft Viability
Effective on the Most Diverse Set of Hair and Skin Types
No-Shave Option Available
Fastest Harvest Rate of any Technology Tested
Lowest Transection Rate of any Technology Tested
Mega-Sessions (2500+) are Possible in One Procedure Instead of Two or Three